
I received a Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Washington Foster School of Business. I completed my undergraduate studies in business (BA), international studies (BA), and mathematics (BS) at the University of Washington. 

I am currently an assistant professor of finance at the Stockholm School of Economics.

Dissertation Committee

Philip Bond (Chair)

Edward E. Carlson Distinguished Professor of FinanceDepartment of Finance and Business EconomicsFoster School of BusinessUniversity of Washington

Yao Zeng

Assistant Professor of FinanceDepartment of Finance and Business EconomicsFoster School of BusinessUniversity of Washington

Mark Westerfield

Michael G. Foster Endowed Professor of FinanceDepartment of Finance and Business EconomicsFoster School of BusinessUniversity of Washington

Ed Rice

Associate Professor of FinanceDepartment of Finance and Business EconomicsFoster School of BusinessUniversity of Washington

Contact Information

Swedish House of FinanceStockholm School of EconomicsDrottninggatan 9811160 StockholmSweden
Email: alvin.chen.uw[.at.]